Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Chocolatey Buzz

I recently tried two different kinds of dark chocolate bars, both offering the exciting addition of espresso. Sometimes one is just too full for a cup of coffee after a meal, which is why a piece from one of these chocolate bars offers the perfect form of dessert, by providing a sweet pick me up to jump start your afternoon, or evening.

The Zing Energizing Maca & Ginseng Espresso Chunk Organic bar, has a 70% cacao content and is part of the Zazubean line of fair trade chocolate bars. It has a rich, delicious, espresso smell but does not have the accompanying bitter taste.

The Ghiradelli Intense Dark Espresso Escape bar, has a slightly lower cacao content of 60% but offers a sharper espresso kick than the former.

As someone who is not an avid coffee drinker, I prefer the Zing bar. As it's name suggests, the Ghiradelli bar is a bit too intense for me and I enjoy reaping the benefits of maca, ginseng and astralagus which are found in the Zing bar. It's nice to know that you're improving your immune system by delighting in a dark chocolate dessert. Seconds please!

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