Monday, August 11, 2008

Attack Ads

Having taken a course in U.S. presidential campaigning, I've witnessed and written about countless attack ads that presidential candidates use to scare voters by resorting to the pre-school tactic of bullying. Unfortunately, since both parties are victims of this historical practice, we continue to see child-like behaviour representing the United States' future leaders.


There's been a lot of controversy over the recent John McCain ad, starring none other than Paris Hilton & Britney Spears. In the video, which is shown on the YouTube bar to the right, McCain tries to make Obama look useless by claiming that he is simply a celebrity, who doesn't have the proper experience to lead a country.

There have been angry articles claiming that McCain is comparing Obama to the party queen, Paris Hilton, and that the ad stirs up racist fears of black man versus young, white, innocent women....

Woah! Talk about exaggeration. First of all, Hilton is by no means innocent.

Second, Obama is not into partying or singing over-sexualized love songs like Spears.

Third, and most relevant, Hilton & Spears are only in the video for a split second at the beginning. Their faces are shown to set the background of the video so that the viewer knows that Obama is at a large and important event where the United States' favourite people are present.

I think that this ad is actually quite clever because it catches the attention of the large demographic in the States that has no interest in political events or in commercials. Old and young, male & female, U.S. residents love gossip about Spears & Hilton. If viewers were channel surfing or zoning out during commercials, and noticed the image of one of their favourite blond bimbos, their attention would definitely be undivided for the whole duration of the 30 second commercial.

This means that they would hear and see the 5 words claiming "Higher taxes. More Foreign Oil," which translates to:

Wow that would suck. Guess I"m voting for McCain, after all the Hilton family endorses him.

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