Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Boot Camp

Today marks the first day of June and the weather is finally heating up. Summer is around the corner which means it's time to get ready for bikini season! My friend and I attended our first boot camp class of the month this morning and can already feel the results, or shall I say, muscle soreness.

The one hour class was comprised of variuos short, intense, repetitive motions that targeted our arms, legs, tummy and butt. Squats, push-ups and boxing punches were just a few examples of the rigorous routines we were subjected to. Although there was a lot of pain, there was also a lot of gain!

I was surprised to learn how much of a workout I got without using weights. By simply using my own body's resistance and motivation from the drill sergeant instructor, I was dripping with sweat and getting toned pretty quickly!

I highly recommend boot camp for those that want to get in shape fast and don't mind being yelled at.

Image taken from

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