Monday, November 2, 2009

Changing Chocolate Choices

The rise in popularity of dark chocolate continues to be more evident and ubiquitous. With Nestle offering its standard fare in 70% dark chocolate and my local convenience store carrying Green & Black's Organic 70% bars and Cote D'Or's 86%, life has just become a lot more sweeter!

I'll admit that I'm a chocolate snob and would never touch the sugary garbage contained in a Mars Bar, but with real dark chocolate appearing in common snacks, please break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar!

Now that Halloween's over, I thought I'd cheer you up by recommending some delicious dark chocolate to increase your endorphins. Here's a list of some recent chocolate that I've been snacking on:

Light's out for this pumpkin

Nestle's 70% Aero Dark Chocolate Bar - $1 at convenience stores
Cote d'Or 86% Dark Chocolate Bar - $3.50 at Shoppers Drug Mart
Maestrani - swiss organic fair trade espresso 72% Cacao. $4.69 at Pusateri's

Here is a picture of the Maestrani chocolate:

Wish List:
* Peanut, Peanut Butter or Almond Dark Chocolate M&M's
* Reese Peanut Butter Cups with Dark Chocolate and fudge cookies in the middle. The fudge cookie Reese cups were around 10 years ago and added the perfect crunch to an otherwise too soft snack.

TIP: Sprinkle some cinnamon on your Reese Peanut Butter Cups for added flavour

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