Monday, January 19, 2009

Atlas Shrugged vs. 24

I recently read a fascinating article in The Wall Street Journal that pointed out the similarities between Ayn Rand's classic novel, Atlas Shrugged, and our current economic/political situation. You can read it right here.

For those of you who have not read Ayn Rand's work, I urge you to so immediately - it will change your life!

To briefly summarize, Rand believes in a theory called Objectivism, which emphasizes that a person's happiness should come from personal hard work. Communities will flourish when they are filled with creative, determined individuals who are true to their own beliefs and ambitions. Rand, who lived through communist Russia, was not a fan of big government, as its power can be stifling to individuals' creativity and progress.

The author of the WSJ article argues that the themes in Rand's masterpiece novel, Atlas Shrugged, which was published 52 years ago, still ring true today, specifically with respect to the current economic crisis gripping America.

The numerous programs, laws and taxes that governments create, end up interfering with the natural progress of its citizens accomplishments' only to weaken the economy and create further damage. This is what's happening now and it happened in Atlas Shrugged.

This is especially true for clever businesses who have managed to succeed during the current economic turmoil. Instead of rewarding them, the government is using their tax money to help bailout the weak.

The theme of corrupt government, is also explored in this season's 24 (season 7). Jack Bauer, who is an American hero, having saved his country from numerous terrorist attacks, is being tried for criminal charges since he broke some laws while trying to protect his country. Like the protagonists in Atlas Shrugged, Jack Bauer is being punished for his hard work, even when his efforts have helped thousands of citizens.

For those of you who watch the show and have read Atlas Shrugged, here are the character parallels that I see:

Jack Bauer = Dagny Taggart

Tony Almeida = Francisco D'Anconia

Chloe = Hank Rearden

Bill Buchanan = John Galt (think about how they both look)

Renee Walker ? = Danneskjold

I have a beautiful vision in my mind of the former CTU'ers living peacefully in the utopic valley that the heroes from Atlas Shrugged (or "strikers" as the book calls them) escape to at the end of the novel.

Only 2 more years till the movie comes out!

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